Labels:crt screen | dialog box | earth | monitor | reckoner | sky | stairs | trade name | web site | window | windowpane OCR: O evr's image pull dMap menu When you select the Find feature Kuda displays a dialog Use the first combo bax to tell Kudo the thumbn ail chararteristic it should search You can search by name size date madi ified nates or location FInd Imc d and ehor itowwho -o Everoln Fnd Fioure f. The Fr Dalog Use the next comba boxmenu to tell Kudo how to search the catalog The selections in this combo box will become available after you make selection ir the first combo bax I ahow iama Find Characteristic to search Search'operators nformation to search for amby The Fird Dalog Use the edit text box to tell Kuda what words or information to search for Wild card characters such as or are nat necessary You can also choose the Find option using the Image menu For exam ple, you may have catalog that includes ...